Understanding the Differences Between Solutions Hosted in the Cloud and Cloud Native Software

Argyle GMS

Jackson Grant
Published on October 27, 2023

Is it taking a long time to receive software updates or new features? Do change requests take longer than they should? Do new features often have bugs or take a long time to be fixed, or are they abandoned altogether? If this describes your "cloud" golf software, it's likely not actually cloud software. It may just be hosted on a cloud platform. This difference can negatively impact your business.


Cloud-native software is specifically designed to be run in the cloud, using principles and practices that optimize the use of cloud resources. It is highly scalable and easy to maintain, making it well-suited for businesses with fluctuating workloads.

On the other hand, non-cloud-native software may be more difficult to scale and maintain and may not perform as well in the cloud. Using cloud-native software can help businesses take advantage of the benefits of cloud computing and be more agile and responsive to changing business needs.

Understanding the differences between the two will help you make a better decision about what software to choose for your golf course. Software that is truly cloud-native has significant advantages over software that is hosted in the cloud. Choosing the right software can mean a more streamlined experience with the ability to expand more quickly, be more competitive, have a better user experience, and have frequent updates as well as new features. 


There are several reasons why it is important to choose cloud-native software for your golf course management.


First, cloud-native software is designed to be scalable, meaning it can handle sudden increases in demand without experiencing performance issues. This is especially important for golf course management software, as golf course usage may fluctuate significantly depending on the season and other factors. With cloud-native software, you can easily scale up or down as needed to meet changing demand without having to invest in additional hardware or infrastructure.

Second, cloud-native software is generally easier to maintain and update. All users access the same version of the software, and updates can be rolled out centrally. This makes it easier to keep your software up to date and ensure that all users have access to the latest features and improvements.

Third, cloud-native software is typically more reliable and secure than non-cloud-native software. It is designed to be resilient and able to handle failures without disruption, and it often includes built-in security measures to protect against cyber threats. This can help to ensure that your golf course management software is always available when you need it and that your data is secure.

Overall, choosing truly cloud-native software for your golf course management can help you take advantage of the benefits of cloud computing and ensure that your software is scalable, easy to maintain, and reliable.


Here are some common characteristics of cloud-native software:


  1. Modularity: Cloud-native software is typically built using a microservices architecture, which means that it is divided into small, independent modules that can be developed, deployed, and managed independently. This makes it easier to scale and update individual components of the software.
  2. Scalability: Cloud-native software is designed to be able to scale up or down as needed to meet changing demand. This means that it can handle sudden spikes in traffic or usage without crashing.
  3. Resilience: Cloud-native software is designed to be resilient to failures and other disruptions. This means that it can continue to operate even if one or more components fail or become unavailable.
  4. Automation: Cloud-native software is typically designed to be automated as much as possible. This includes automated deployment, scaling, and management of the software.
  5. Continuous integration and delivery: Cloud-native software is often designed to be continuously integrated and delivered, which means that new code changes are automatically built, tested, and deployed as soon as they are committed. This allows for rapid iteration and development of the software.
  6. Observability: Cloud-native software is designed to be observable, which means that it includes built-in monitoring and logging tools that allow developers to track the performance and behavior of the software in real-time.

There are a few ways you can tell if the software you are using is cloud-native or merely hosted in the cloud:


  1. Look for features that are characteristic of cloud-native software. Some of the features you might look for include modularity, scalability, resilience, automation, continuous integration and delivery, and observability. If the software has these features, it is likely cloud-native.
  2. Check the documentation or marketing materials for the software. The developers or vendors of cloud-native software will often highlight its cloud-native features in the documentation or marketing materials.
  3. Check the architecture of the software. Cloud-native software is typically built using a microservices architecture, which means that it is divided into small, independent modules that can be developed, deployed, and managed independently. If the software is built this way, it is likely cloud-native.
  4. Ask the developers or vendors of the software. If you are still unsure whether the software is cloud-native or merely hosted in the cloud, you can reach out to the developers or vendors and ask them directly. They should be able to tell you whether the software is cloud-native or not.

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